
Session: Spring 2024
Chapter:  East
Location:  Strawbridge United Methodist Church
Time:  7:00pm - 8:50pm
Day:  Tuesday
Starts:  02/20
Ages:  12 - 18
Tuition:  $225.00

** Registration ended March 5, 2024 at 11:00pm


The definition of a director: "Directors audition and cast actors; assemble and oversee the production team; provide design directives; lead rehearsals; and manage the production schedule of the project, ensuring that all the moving parts connect." 
But boy oh boy is it soooo much more than that! You've heard our CYT leaders explain that casting a show is a puzzle - and you are now being given the opportunity to come find out just how we put it all together. From auditions to casting, from vision to final production, we will cover it all. Come sit on the other side of the table!


Dee Willis

I have been a part of CYT since 2010 when my daughter joined this wonderful organization. She is now all grown up with kids of her own and I'm so happy to still be with CYT! I have a Bachelor's Degree in Music in Therapy from Sam Houston State University and I LOVE to sing! During the past 10 years I have been honored to serve at CYT in the capacity of Costumer, Teacher, Director, Vocal Director, Tour Group Director, Show Coordinator, and CYT@school Coordinator. I'm so blessed that God has given me the opportunity to work with so many talented individuals and to share His love with others through CYT!


5629 Kingwood Drive, Kingwood, TX 77345