
Session: Spring 2025
Chapter:  East
Location:  Strawbridge United Methodist Church
Time:  5:00pm - 6:50pm
Day:  Tuesday
Starts:  02/18
Ages:  5 - 7
Tuition:  $225.00
Open Spots:  1


Everything Is Awesome! Or is it? In the Lego Movie, Emmitt discovers that his world is not quite what he expected. He faces many challenges as he learns to become a master builder. Are you a master builder, like Emmitt, or are you "the special?"
I know our class will be awesome if you join me this session! We will BUILD some amazing friendships through song, dance, and crafts as we defeat the Kragle! Who's with me?
 Register Now


Julie Broussard

I am blessed to teach Our Gang for CYT Houston East. I am a child of God, mother of three beautiful girls and wife to Aaron. I have spent my childhood singing, dancing and performing in school and church productions. At an early age, I knew that I was called to work with children. I earned a B.A. in Human Development and Family Studies, a M.A. in Psychology, and am a Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE). I have also previously worked as an elementary school teacher. It is my goal to teach with a loving heart, inspire creativity and encourage children to reach their full potential.


5629 Kingwood Drive, Kingwood, TX 77345